USB to ESP8266 Serial Wireless Wifi Module Adapter



28 item

Rp. 11.000

USB to ESP8266 Serial Wireless Wifi Module

Note : paket pembelian hanya USB to ESP8266

ESP8266 bisa dibeli disini :

Installing Driver

 here for the driver software  :

Before connecting the Nano to your USB port:

  1. Download the “ch341ser,exe” file and run it.The software extracts about 8 files.
  2. The software asks whether it can install the CH341SER.INF driver for the CH340 chip (Version 11/04/2011, 3.3.2011.11). Click INSTALL
  3. A Windows message asks whether the driver has installed correctly. Click YES.
  4. Connect your Nano.
  5. From Control Panel, open Device Manager and Ports. If installed correctly you should see an entry “USB-SERIAL CH340 (COMXX)


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