Sekun Skun Male-Female 2.5mm Bullet Peluru Bulat Biru MPD2-156 FRD2-156

P222 -L2B15


876 item

Rp. 800

JumlahHargaAnda menghemat
50 Rp. 700 Sampai dengan Rp. 5.000

Sekun Skun Male-Female 2mm Bullet Peluru Bulat Biru MPD2-156 FRD2-156


 Color: Blue.
-Material: Copper + PVC+ Tinplate.
AWG: 16-14.
-Max current=
27A.-Connectors: 1.1mm to 2.6mm2 / Cable 16-14AWG.
- All the Comply with Relevant European Standards.
- All are in the ENCLOSED Plastic Case for the Easy Access.
- An A to the STEP the Easy Connection Wires, Sealed and Insulated.
- It CAN BE Ideal Used in Marine Applications and CAR.


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