TGS 2600 - for the detection of Air Contaminants



2 item

Pemberitahuan: Barang terakhir di stok!

Rp. 105.000

JumlahHargaAnda menghemat
5 Rp. 100.000 Sampai dengan Rp. 25.000

TGS 2600 -  for the detection of Air Contaminants

The TGS 2600 has high sensitivity to low concentrations of gaseous air
contaminants such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide which exist in cigarette
smoke. The sensor can detect hydrogen at a level of several ppm. Figaro also
offers a microprocessor (FIC02667) which contains special software for handling
the sensor's signal for appliance control applications.

Documentasi TGS 2602


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