Botol Pump Besi 200ml Botol Makeup Remover / Pembersih Kutek / Alkohol Bottle



Stok Habis

Rp. 25.000

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10 Rp. 24.000 Sampai dengan Rp. 10.000

Botol Pump Besi 200ml Botol Makeup Remover / Pembersih Kutek / Alkohol Bottle

manual pump alcohol bottle can suck out the liquid in the bottle, suitable for assembly line production and repair work, reduce liquid volatilization and liquid saving storage containers, especially suitable for the storage of volatile liquids such as machine water, alcohol, acetone and so on. small size, light weight, flexible operation, easy to move. the sealing effect is good, using steel/iron material.

High-quality alcohol bottle Wash board water liquid bottle repair assistance 

Capacity: 200ML

Color: white

Pump material: steel / iron

Storage material: plastic


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