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USB to RS485 Converter
Controlling / Communicating with RS-485 devices from your PC has never been easier! This device is plug-and-play - It shows up as a serial/com port and can be accessed from applications or hyper-terminal. This converter provides half-duplex RS-485 communication. The Baud rate range is 75 bps to 115200 bps, maximum up to 6 Mbps. No external power is required for operation.
This adapter has the following connections:
This device uses the widely supported Prolific PL2303 HXA USB-to-Serial chip - Drivers are readily available for download here
(Windows XP, Vista, Mac OSX) and may already be included in your operating system (Windows 7 and Linux). PLEASE NOTE: Prolific does not have a Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 driver for this chipset - This device is not compatible with Windows 8 / Windows 8.1
QTY: 1 x USB to RS-485 Converter