tes dapat sinyal pakai 4.13V, kalo masih belum dapat sinyal bisa tambah elco (tes pakai 330uf/25v)
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NOTE : tes dapat sinyal pakai 4.13V, kalo masih belum dapat sinyal bisa tambah elco (tes pakai 330uf/25v)
Feature :
Module Type: SIM800L (newest module performance over SIM900)
Operating voltage: 3.7 ~ 4.2V (peak current 2A, please be prepared to handle)
Support Network: China Mobile, China Unicom
Module size: 2.2cmx1.8cm
TTL serial port for the serial port, you can link directly to the microcontroller. You do not need MAX232
Module power automatically turned on, homing network
Onboard way signal lights (with signals slow flash, no flash signal)
Jika serial tidak merespon bisa dicoba memakai logic converter, karena TTL sim800 3.3V
Dokumentasi : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1490388167908270&id=1442967352650352