ATtiny85 Micro USB Development Board



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Pemberitahuan: Barang terakhir di stok!

Rp. 42.000

ATtiny85 USB Mini Development Board

The ATtiny85 based mini development board is similar to the Arduino, but cheaper and smaller (ofcourse a bit less powerful). With a whole host of shields to extend its functionality and the ability to use the familiar Arduino IDE, this board is a great way to jump into microcontroller electronics.

  • Support for the Arduino IDE 1.0+ (OSX/Win/Linux)
  • Power via USB or External Source
  • Onboard 5V Regulator
  • Built-in USB
  • 6 I/O Pins
  • 8k Flash Memory (about 6k after bootloader)
  • I2C and SPI (vis USI)
  • PWM on 3 pins (more possible with Software PWM)
  • ADC on 4 pins
  • Power LED and Test/Status LED


Tutorial Video

Tutorial step by step


Saat mengupload program, prosesnya akan sedikit berbeda dengan board arduino umumnya.
Jika program sudah ready dan sudah berhasil di compile. Klik tombol Upload terlebih dahulu tanpa attiny digispark (Attiny Digispark belum dicolokkan ke port usb) sampai muncul warning seperti ini..

"Running Digispark Uploader… Plug in device now… (will timeout in 60 seconds)"

Setelah itu, baru kemudian Attiny Digispark dicolokkan ke port USB.

Jika tidak, maka Digispark tidak akan terbaca, sehingga jika sudah terlanjur dicolokkan ke port USB, maka harus di-replug, copot lalu sambung lagi.


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