Voice Module KD9561 CK9561 Alarm Module Four-tone Alarm Sound Chip



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Rp. 3.000

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Voice Module KD9561 CK9561 Alarm Module Four-tone Alarm Sound Chip

KD9561 CK9561 Four-tone alarm sound chip music IC music integrated block

There are four kinds of alarm sounds, in fact only three are used, namely 110** alarm sound, 119 fire alarm sound, 120 medical rescue sound, and the other machine gun sound is mainly used for toy guns.
Sound effect selection sound termination method

SEL1/K1 -  SEL2/K2

Connection type:
Alarm whistle : TOMBOL1=NC - TOMBOL2=NC
Fire alarm : TOMBOL1=VCC - TOMBOL2=NC
Ambulance voice :TOMBOL1=GND - TOMBOL2=NC
Machine guns sound: TOMBOL1=NC - TOMBOL2=VCC
NC:Dangling inputs / Not Connected

Ukuran: 10x32mm


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